
Can Artificial Intelligence keep ports safe?

AI has the potential to revolutionise the global economy and is an area of substantial investment across the world by companies big and small.

For the maritime industry it is no different as ports, terminals, carriers and other supply chain stakeholders look to utilise the near-exponentially increasing amount of data.

However, new technologies also bring risk. It must now be considered how best to implement cyber security and how to keep the digital and automated programmes ports increasingly rely on safe.

The maritime industry is not unique in needing to be hyper-aware of the threat hackers pose; in 2018 alone, there were 10.5 billion malware attacks globally.

Companies across the world, from heavy industry to finance are all spending big money to keep their data and operations safe, to the point where the Cloud segment alone will rise from $5 billion in 2018 to $12.6 billion in 2023.

The number of data points in the maritime chain – vessel navigation, cargo handling, container tracking systems on shore and at sea, automated processing, etc – make it particularly important that decision-makers make their AI-powered systems as resilient as possible.

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